Latest Upddate - 07/26/2024 =========================== Install Ubuntu according to my install instructions: Do these steps as root unless told otherwise... These steps have been tested on Ubuntu 22.04. Some steps may be different on other Linux distros. Create the hotlineuser account: adduser hotlineuser Install my utilities: cd /home/hotlineuser wget unzip rm Install the required perl modules: cd /home/hotlineuser/HotlineManagement ./installdeps Install the Go language: cd /home/hotlineuser wget tar xvzf go1.22.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz rm go1.22.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz mv go /usr/local Set up mobius: cd /home/hotlineuser git clone mkdir HotlineFiles export PATH=/home/hotlineuser/bin:/home/hotlineuser/HotlineManagement:$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin cd /home/hotlineuser/mobius make server cd /home/hotlineuser mobius/mobius-hotline-server -init -config /home/hotlineuser/HotlineFiles/ # Use ctrl-c to exit mobius Set owner: chown -R hotlineuser:hotlineuser /home/hotlineuser Switch to hotlineuser access: su - hotlineuser Set up the crontab: crontab -e - And then add the next 2 lines to the end: @reboot /home/hotlineuser/bin/hotline start 1 1 * * * /home/hotlineuser/HotlineBackup/ Set the tools up: Go into HotlineBackup, HotlineManagement, and HotlineStartup directories and follow the steps in the files Edit the config file for your settings: hmc - or directly: nano HotlineFiles/config.yaml User accounts: The default installation includes two users: guest (no password) admin (default password "admin"). User administration should be performed from a Hotline client. Avoid editing the files under the Users directory. Start the server for keeps: hotline start More mobius info: